In 2014 propane prices soared to near $5.00 per gallon. I decided it was time to look at outdoor furnaces and looked at many brands and models, finally narrowing my decision to the Polar G-Class or the Portage and Main Ultimizer. My final choice was the G-Class because I believe in using seasoned wood. All gasification furnaces need seasoned wood for optimum performance.
Where as all outdoor furnaces perform better with seasoned wood, the Ultimizer will do just fine with any wood you put in the fire chamber. An added benefit of the Ultimizer is you can also burn coal. Ultimate Outdoor Furnace is very pleased to now offer the two best furnaces on the market, you now need to decide which fits your lifestyle best.
Measuring Your Wood for Use
Here is a quick guide to sizing up your wood for the burning season:
Bush Cord 4ft wide x 4ft high x 8ft long = 128 cu/ft
Face Cord 16" wide x 4ft high x 8ft long= 42.65 cu/ft
Stove Cord 12" wide x 4ft high x 8ft long= 32 cu/ft
When you sell the best in ultimate outdoor furnaces, you can also depend on our nation wide installation assistance program with any purchase of a furnace from us.
We ship anywhere in the US!
We ship anywhere in the lower 48 states of the US and offer installation support anywhere we ship. Our #PolarFurnaces and #PortageMain at #UltimateOutdoorFurnace sales and support experts are ready to assist you as the industry leader in proven clean burn technology.
Les Radcliffe
Owner, Ultimate Outdoor Furnace